Hope-Full Hearts Grief Ministry
Six week sessions of Hope-Full Hearts grief support ministry will begin:
September 16, 2024
November 11, 2024
February 3, 2025
March 31, 2025
Please contact karen@fellowshipmuskegon.org for more information and to register.
Rock Solid Boys Club
Rock Solid is a group for boys grades 1-5, and this group meets at the church on Wednesday evenings from 6-7:30.
At Rock Solid, boys learn Bible lessons, and they also participate in a number of fun crafts and activities including woodworking. We’d love to have your son at Rock Solid!
Wednesday Evening GEMS Girls Club
GEMS is the go-to ministry for girls’ spiritual growth, providing real answers to the challenges girls face.
Follow the link to register:
GEMS is a group for girls grades 1-6, and GEMS is an acronym for Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior. At GEMS, girls enjoy an age-appropriate Bible lesson, and they earn GEMS badges based on skills learned in the group. We’d love to have your daughter at GEMS!
Wild Game Dinner Fundraiser
Tickets: $10 each
Tickets must be purchased prior to the event at the Fellowship Church office.
Doors Open 5:30pm
Dinner 6:00pm
Last Drawing 8:00pm
50/50 Raffle • Silent Auctions • Gun Raffles
Proceeds to benefit Kids Belong Foster Care
Chili Cook-Off
The Fellowship Men’s and Women’s ministries are hosting this free family-friendly event! Come out for an evening of good food and fellowship!
Women's Christmas Craft Saturday
Join our Women’s Ministry for a Christmas craft and a time of fellowship! There will be two crafts to choose from. The cost is $10 per craft. Childcare available upon request. Feel free to bring a snack to share with the group. Register now at https://fellowshipmuskegon.breezechms.com/form/c2ac58
Women's Fall Retreat
Date: November 22 & 23
4:30 pm check-in time
One night of lodging & 3 meals provided
Cost: $100 (Registration deadline is November 3)
Fun, fellowship, food, worship and faith-filled teaching
Follow the link to register.
Women's Ministry Movie Night & Bonfire
Join us as we watch Unsung Hero and eat popcorn. We will be enjoying a bonfire and s’mores immediately following.
Red Cross Blood Drive
The American Red Cross will be holding a blood drive in our Activity Center. Please visit RedCrossBlood.org to schedule an appointment.
i3 Middle School Beach & Ice Cream
The i3 Middle School will be heading to the beach with ice cream to follow! Please bring a bathing suit and towel and arrive at the church at 5:15.
Baptism Sunday
We will hold our annual summer baptism service at Beals Park on Wolf Lake on August 18 immediately following our morning worship service. If you’re interested in being baptized that day, please contact Pastor Mike.
Kids Belong Back to School Event
We are holding our annual Back to School Event in partnership with Kids Belong which serves foster and adopt families. This is a time when these families can equip their children with all the school supplies necessary for a successful school year! This event is open to all foster and adopt families!
Women's Ministry Ice Cream Social
Ladies, join your sisters in Christ for our last ice cream social of the summer. We will meet at The Pump House in Grand Haven!
Summer Serve Project
Our annual Summer Serve Project will focus on several projects at Oakridge Public Schools. Join us in blessing our community!
Fellowship Day Camp
We are excited to announce that Fellowship Church will be hosting a day camp this summer! Pre-registration is required and will close once we reach our limit of 200 children. Click on the link to register! https://bit.ly/4aI2fQ8
Dates: July 22-26, 2024
Drop off: 8:30 a.m.
Pick up: 4:00 p.m. (Noon pickup for 4 & 5 year olds)
Ages: Entering Grades K-8
*Pre-registration is required!
*Space is limited to 200 kids!
*Lunch will NOT be provided. Please send your kids with a cold lunch each day.
Friday will be a noon pickup for all ages. Families are welcome to stay and join us for an ice cream social!
Contact the church office with questions. 231-788-2321
i3 Middle School Lake Tubing
i3 Middle School students, join us for lake tubing and ice cream! Meet at the church at 5:15 and bring a bathing suit and towel.
i3 Middle School Summer Event
Join the i3 Middle School group for kickball and ice cream!
Red Cross Blood Drive
Giving blood saves lives! The blood drive will be held in the Activity Center. To make an appointment for this blood drive go to www.redcrossblood.org and enter in sponsor code: EGELSTON
i3 Middle School Bonfire
Calling all Middle School students entering 6th through 8th grades! i3 will be hosting a bonfire and ice cream event at Fellowship Church on Tuesday, May 21 from 6-8 pm. Bring a chair and something warm to wear!
Family Game Night
Wednesday, April 24 from 6-7:30. Bring the whole family out for family game night. All ages are welcome! Bring a snack for yourself or to share with the group. Bring along your favorite game and join us in the Activity Center.
i3 High School Fundraiser Breakfast
Let our youth make you breakfast! Join us on Sunday, March 24th! Breakfast will be served immediately following both morning services.
Open Pickleball
Join us for Pickleball Mondays and Thursdays from 9-11 am and Tuesdays from 6-8 pm. Adults only please. A fee of $2 is collected.
The table - young adult group
The Table typically meets Thursday nights at 6:30 in the youth room. The groups name comes from Luke 14:13, when Jesus instructs us to invite ALL to the banquet table, regardless of their current situation in life or background. As a reflection of that, every young adult is welcome to join. This time is dedicated to fellowshipping with one another over a meal followed by a dive into God's word. We would love for you to join! Please reach out to Desi at desiree@fellowshipmuskegon.org for more information.
The table - young adult group
The Table typically meets Thursday nights at 6:30 in the youth room. The groups name comes from Luke 14:13, when Jesus instructs us to invite ALL to the banquet table, regardless of their current situation in life or background. As a reflection of that, every young adult is welcome to join. This time is dedicated to fellowshipping with one another over a meal followed by a dive into God's word. We would love for you to join! Please reach out to Desi at desiree@fellowshipmuskegon.org for more information.