children and youth
sunday mornings
about children’s ministry
We believe that all children are important to God, and because they’re important to God they’re also important to us! We have ministries available for your children on Sunday mornings from infants up to 5th grade, and we want your children to have a great experience with us that leaves them asking for more! So that we can be prepared for your family when you arrive, we encourage you to register your children online or you can register them at the FellowShip Kids check-in station when you arrive. Here’s a list of the ministries that we have for your children on Sunday mornings:
children ages
infant-2 years old
We have a nursery near the Worship Center for children ages infant-2 years old, and the nursery is staffed by trained, caring adults who will make sure your children are safe while you enjoy the service. You’ll receive a parent tag for each child you check into the nursery, and please be sure to bring the tag with you when you pick up your child after the service.
ages 2-3 years old
Next door to the nursery we have a special room for children ages 2-3 years old. There are plenty of toys and other age-appropriate activities for the children, but our staff also shares a brief Bible lesson with the children each week. Again, please be sure to bring the parent tag with you when you pick up your child.
children ages
4 years old-5th grade
Finally, we offer a great age-appropriate ministry called “FellowShip Kids” during the service for children ages 4 years old-5th grade. Your kids will enjoy Bible lessons, crafts, and other fun activities, and you’ll know they’re in good hands while you enjoy the worship service. Please check your children in before the service at the FellowShip Kids check-in station, and thanks for giving us the opportunity to share Jesus with your family!